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*** LAST CALL!!!!
It all ends tonight. It won't be reprinted. This is your last chance to buy my #TheLordOfTheRings #TheReturnoftheKing poster here, at @BottleneckNYC website:
Thanks again to all of you that already bought them. ❤
Regular will be available at @BottleneckNYC site until tomorrow Saturday 15th.
Here you can see a few more details.
I hope you like them! <3
#lordoftherings #thelordoftherings #thelordoftheringsthereturnoftheking #TheRingsOfPower
More art from 2019
The 1st is a redraw of the scene from #TheReturnOfTheKing lol the 2nd is a redraw from ‘Ben is Back’ (I had to lol) & the last 2 were redraws of bases from Pinterest
Towards the land of shadow! (Artist unknown)
#aragorn #fantasy #frodo #frodobaggins #gandalfthegrey #gollum #gollumart #hobbit #lordoftherings #lordoftheringsart #lotr #middleearth #mordor #samwisegamgee #sauron #thelordoftherings #thereturnoftheking #thetwotowers #tolkien
L'11 maggio 1980 veniva trasmesso per la prima volta sulla #ABC il film d'animazione #TheReturnOfTheKing, adattamento di una parte de #IlSignoreDegliAnelli di #Tolkien, diretto e prodotto da Arthur Rankin Jr. e Jules Bass.
Avete visto questo film? Che cosa ne pensate?
I saw the special on TV and had the read-along that I listened to endlessly. John Houston’s voice pulled me into the world, and I never wanted to leave. #TheReturnOfTheKing https://t.co/8iKRm7fOIh
Il 30 gennaio 2014 moriva il regista e produttore cinematografico Arthur Rankin Jr.
#Rankin, insieme a Jules Bass, ha diretto e prodotto i film d'animazione de #LoHobbit del 1977 e #TheReturnOfTheKing del 1980.
Il y a 17 ans sortait au cinéma le plus grand film de tous les temps, Le Seigneur des Anneaux #LeRetourduRoi réalisé par le talentueux #PeterJackson ! Le film a remporté 11 Oscars (égalant Ben-hur et Titanic). #LOTR #TheReturnOfTheKing
#TheReturnOfTheKing @SSoHPKC ft. @SlyFoxHound
(i am aware that gandalf is not the king. call it artistic license.)
Eowyn vs. The Witch King of Angmar and the Nazgul
#ESDLA #elseñordelosanillos
#thelordoftherings #LordOfTheRings #LOTR
#elretornodelrey #thereturnoftheking
#Tolkien #JRRTolkien
#eowyn #nazgul #witchking #gondor #tiermedia #middleearth
#ilustracion #illustration