She stood alone on the precipice, ignoring the necromancer. Her lover left her to die of a broken heart, now they wanted to know why she taken her life. She wanted peace. Her foot left the ledge as she whispered, "All is forgiven."

5 19

we were a clockwork couple
arms embraced
in choreographed gestures
of love

trapped by words
and caged phrases
our bodies bowed
in elegant lines of sorrow

but our carved metal trees
warp to form that bridge
for the children in us longing
to touch & heal

21 84

Keep close to Nature's heart...and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.
John Muir

17 82

I'll put my left arm in,
My left arm out..
A of my
But what's that all about?
I'll use my O.D.M gear
To turn around.
Cos that's what it's all about😉

1 11

Witchcraft is dirty~grave dirt&bones. The caricature of witches is worst part. I've never had a wart on my nose, nor my sisters. We’re wicked when we dress up, flaunt sweet youth & beauty. Confounds the hell out of witchhunters. Join our coven?

3 15

リトアモの組立て方法は? ウェザリングやスコープのレンズの表現はどうする…?

『#リトルアーモリー ミニチュア ガンスミス スクール vol.2』2月発行で、現在予約受付中!


59 205

Our bones may be scarred and dying pieces of us may be scattered across the skies, but I know we've penetrated each other's thoughts in such a way that the earth will remain stained with light's blood below the murderous charcoal clouds.

8 53

She said "Say I love you or get your dick chopped off"

I snook out at & ran for the border
Nevertheless, I was blocked in

How did I get into a relationship with a mental disorder

I loved the 70's but
She was just another flower child basket case

0 5

Paranoia is going to drive you to the edge
Pandora's box is always going to be open
Looking in the rearview
You only see the ghost that was better than you
"Hey, snap out of it!"
"Are you alive?"
Don't live in the past & the night away!

0 3


2 15

He wears kindness in the rain, showering sunshine where the shivering see no light while cooling thoughts upon those who find themselves burning beneath cracked masks. The chthonic aren't always evil.

13 65

ナーヴィンタースの雑魚大盛りが越えられなくて苦戦したけれど最後メテオまでいったら一発クリア! 4時間半の戦いお疲れさまでした!

1 29

【#リトルアーモリー イラスト公開】
リトルアーモリー ミニチュア ガンスミス スクール vol.2

40 101

の格好いい作り方を収録する「リトルアーモリー ミニチュア ガンスミス スクール vol.2」の受注がスタートです! 表紙は 先生描き下ろしで、本書限定VSSタイプキットも付属! 全国の書店でご注文いただけます!

34 95

at became
a quiet girl
growing inside
till found a place
to be brave & write
stand up & resist
don’t tell me
how to live
whom to love
gave up that right
first time
you lifted Ur hand
& lost Ur soul
found my voice
& it’s loud

112 261

普段より遅い時間の出発で攻略時間も限られる中、ほどよい緊張感でサクサクとロクケス→ヨルナー突破! ここは慣れたもんです(死んだけど

0 25