this moment: Perfection.

(tweet 3/3)

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Early and Late Update. Last two weeks I

* was sick
* made overworld/trainer/VSs for the E4
* wrote texts for most of the League events

And now it's time for another filler beach episode! But before that, I will leave you with two mystewious scweenshots 😉

2 40

Dancing perceptions
Your favorite move
Seeking inception
Craving to churn

Who’s out to get me?
Sad for you
Your soul isn’t free
Caged in a to rule

Strive for
Be humble & kind
Or paste on false graphics
Time to be worthy of the divine

16 109

Surreal yet familiar
she writes with words
made of hearts.


11 48

midnight fantasy
let me be your one
twilight ecstasy

26 102

the physics of love

if time is relative
& quantum precise

what of love?

its molecule of tears
& smells
its liquid of longing
& sadness

the heart
a muscled book of
resounding songs

an ever beating psalm
of wrong yet

20 72

Holy spells and snails, did you think when I asked what is it that you seek I was going to stand here and listen to you rattle off vaudeville clichés and insults? I have no answer for you, just a suggestion…stay warm.

3 9

Hiding your madness
After hours is folly
Play your joker
Win the game
Make crazy
Your ultimate fashion item
Free your inner femme fatale...

23 85

The Ogiek, traditional hunter-gatherers, are subject to violent evictions from their ancestral homeland, the Mau Forest.

13 76

breathing sky blue
suspended between
heaven & earth
love like oxygen
fuels the heart's drive
to fly above it all


13 42

My heart is moody today.
I took a paintbrush and painted something different and new.
My mind is today.
Thinking of the ocean, the passing full moon and pictures of you.

A bit of amateur painting at Cork and Canvas tonight.

1 10


Create a that would act like in the GIF

Who/what are they?
What’s their world like?
Their personality? Backstory?
Why behaving that way?

Multi-tweet OK

if you like a char!

1 3

I knew UFOs tend to appear near airports.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
A Einstein

11 60

He had heard that this spiky, gooey humanoid mercanary had a for tearing 'her' opponents apart, limb-from-limb. And that seemed very true.

Nobody, though, had mentioned her joy for children, and her habit of talking NONSTOP.

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Create a that would act like in the GIF

Who/what are they?
What’s their world like?
Their personality? Backstory?
Why behaving that way?

Multi-tweet OK

if you like a char!

2 6

The is the make
Your opponent
Not your opponent but
Your comrade
That way without
War is won
As both sides are the winner

15 48