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@AP A political show to #Winnietheflu for suppressing pro-democracy campus to have 35+ place in Leg-Co
#AntiChinazi #AntiCCP
@SenAngusKing #Hongkonger well knew #CCP #Chinazi & #HKPolice are extremely evil & brutal #Totalitarianism long ago
Though this time a much bigger crisis, #HKer is still fighting
For justice, #HumanRight & democracy!
Please, pls StandWithHK
@kenichiromogi Nightmare of HONG KONG
@DailyCaller #AntifaTerrorists are helpers of #China
President Trump's re-election interference.
Cover from Hong Kong protests against #Chinazi.
#多鵸 #toki_cheung
#chinazi #Younglivesmatte #CCP_is_terrorist #BoycottChina #HongKongProtests #StandwithHK
#AntiNationalSecurityLaw #PrayForHongkong #HongKongers
@taschmamat Thank you for supporting 🇭🇰🙏🏻
#HKers autonomy was gradually exploiting by #CCP, we must strike back 💪
#StandWithHK #FightForFreedom #AntiChinazi #AntiCCP
@RepChrisSmith The #WuhanVirus pandemic has revealed the ugliest side of #CCP: lies, coverups, disinformation, propaganda. And the tyranny is even using the pandemic to expand its authoritarianism in the world, particularly Hong Kong. We must sanction China for its shameless acts. #Chinazi
Thai ppl are really good at defeating Chinazi🥰
Thanks for making my day.
Taiwan is Taiwan
HongKong is HongKong
@ChannelNewsAsia Censorship and suppression. They're the only ways Communist China knows when dealing with opposite voices and criticisms, even in a game. #StandWithHongKong #HongKongProtests #FreeHK #chinazi
@IlonaKickbusch @DrTedros @WHO @UN He should answer the wuestion base on scientific fact. There is nothing related to the membership issue. You puppets of #CCPChina . #who has lost all the accountability. #china #chinazi #CCPVirus #ChinaLiedPeopleDie #WHOLiedPeopleDied #ChinaVirus #COVID19
Don’t forget all the problem is start from #China.
#chinazi is the #WuhanVirus birthplace and originator.
They are not kind and SUPPOSED to solve this issue by their own way.
#WuhanCoronovirus #ChinaziVirus #ChineseCoronavirus
This is China.
@Independent The political prosecution of Jimmy Lai further proves that Hong Kong is under serious suppression to freedoms and human rights by #CCP and its puppet HK govt. "1 country 2 systems" is no longer valid in HK. #StandWithHongKong #HongKongProtests #FreeHK #chinazi
近排先發覺... 有好多嘢比金錢更加珍貴
#良知 #民主自由 #手足嘅生命 #公平嘅社會 #漂白水同消毒火酒 #口罩同廁紙 #chinazi #武漢肺炎 #ChinaVirus #ChinaCoronaVirus
#多鵸 #toki_cheung #武漢肺炎 #chinazi #WuhanCoronovirus #China_is_terrorist #ChinaVirus #china
@JeromeTaylor @AFP Banks in Hong Kong can now freeze your account only becoz of political reasons and the pressure from HK govt and #HKpolice. Who would want to do business or invest in a city like this? HK is ruined by authoritarianism from #CCP. #StandWithHongKong #HKPoliceState #chinazi