“Untitled,” 2017 by Ayako Rokkaku

This piece fetched the highest price for a work by at auction and was sold for HKD 2,750,000 on October 7, 2020 at

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Il ne reste que 72 jours avant l’élection législative à Les pro-démocraties visent à recueillir plus de 35 sièges pour empêcher les pro-Pékin de contrôler le parlement.

Voici un survol des partis politiques en lice pour ce scrutin.

Source: Page de Facebook Labourball

27 44

Thank you Ms Karlsbro.

Despite the resemblances, we're not letting history repeat in

At least, if we're to face death, the last scene we see won't be a burning city as in but a liberal city reborn where we hugged each other in tears of joy.

106 256

is killing Not just the people but the whole place by destroying our law, culture and etc..
is the only way out. Plz help us. Plz Plz help us fight back and get away from insane control.

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A l’origine, l’expression 攬炒 vient du jeu de cartes “Big 2” 鋤大弟. Ça désigne une stratégie consistant à entraîner d’autres joueurs dans une lourde défaite qd on a un mauvais jeu. En politique, la stratégie fait flipper l’establishment de

5 1

Is it still ?😂 Anyway I'm Alex from A lovers and I would not say I'm an pixel artist coz I think I'm not up to the standard of the artist level😛 I hope I could take up commision in the coming future and living by it!

1 11

Some posts from Takumi's China fans.

Sweets from Chengdu, Chongqing and Hongkong. And panda🐼


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and the fear of retaliation cripples the practice of in Chinese cartoonist + Italian cartoonist collaborated on a pro-democracy cartoon for the first Read more: https://t.co/GD4BEeZCmT

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The first collaboration is a striking cartoon by Chinese dissident cartoonist , who lives in self-exile in Australia, and Italian cartoonist The work highlights pro-democracy protesters in https://t.co/5AUMmZzckv

29 42

This is what do to a man who already showed both of his hands in the air.

is still happening in on the first day of 2020 and these must be stopped by the world to

26 17

1215 梁凌杰烈士追思會

「全面撤回送中,我們不是暴動。釋放學生傷者,林鄭下台。Help No extradition to China」


90 124

Thank you President Senators and America made HongKong Human Right and Democracy Act happen. Destroy Chinazi Evil Empire , Save the world And HongKong.

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Thank you Mr Umunna for The escalation results from police brutality & the unaccountable gvt. These shouldn't happen under Joint Declaration. I'm grateful that you recognise the obligation and speak up for I wish you victory in the election.

20 75

9 Nov, Tuen Mun, While people are still in mourning the death of Mr Chow, shouting on the bridge

1st: You come and take revenge on us
2nd: let's battle one on one, you cockroach
3rd: We will pop the champagne and celebrate (Chow's death)

85 78

Thanks for telling what exactly happened in We are peaceful citizens all along. Only the provoke violence.
They are trying to kill.

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Hon Chi Fun loved painting humble wooden boats, a common feature in a simpler, quieter Hon's earlier work “Tsing Shan Sam Shing Hui” is generously donated by his widow Choi Yan Chi in support of Bid now to own the rare work at https://t.co/6H6H07qiMk.

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holy shit, imagine siding with an oppressive government force to own the "nazis".


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It is a very strange time to see during the chaotic moment in

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