If Dr. Caim lived in the 21st century, he would be treating patients with the and dealing with & In the 17th-century, it’s the &


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💧 MELTING C A P S 💧 H+ + Featured Artist ealm's other worldly interpretation of a very real issue. Inspired by

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Help fight the effects of grab a plane, fly to Australia and enjoy your holiday

Australian invests millions in to fight the effect of the

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Not only are whales gorgeous animals that are facing a multitude of problems in the oceans today, but they hold an important role in helping us tackle climate change.
📷: with

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Iceberg!: The (Mis)Adventures of Kjokje, Pjokje, and Pengu!
The story of 3 unlikely friends and their adventures. It addresses the problem of global warming and offers suggestions as to what we, as humans, can do about it. https://t.co/I8Uc05Xz5h

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Iceberg!: The (Mis)Adventures of Kjokje, Pjokje, and Pengu!
The story of 3 unlikely friends and their adventures. It addresses the problem of global warming and what we, as humans, can do about it. https://t.co/I8Uc05Xz5h

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“Frosty, you look thin...are you on a diet?”
“Global warming Timmy...it’s global warming.”

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Repost . Original content. Newly added destinations.

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This great diagram by the World Resources Institute shows the sectors that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

The data is from 2005 though, does anyone know where I could get the latest data that makes up this image?

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