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Beneath this mask there is more than flesh.
Beneath this mask there is an idea,
And ideas are bulletproof.

香港的朋友 加油

23 91

The following are part of day4's artworks. To support and our activity, please retweet our post and join
For more artworks, please go to this tag on Twi/IG/FB
*All copyrights belong to creators*

10 7

Pro CCP people calling barbaric, but this video tells a different story

1080 1519

Hong Kong people, resist!" 香港人,反抗 The British-Sino agreement has been breached and ignored

It's time for to stand up and support it's your duty and obligation to protect HK

110 135

성현제 in HongKong

12 51

[香港/FreetoberHK2019]Day 2黑色十一 1st October

8 12

The following are part of today's artworks. To support and our activity, please retweet our post and join
For more artworks, please go to this tag on twitter/instagram.
*All copyrights belong to creators*

4 3

Day2 The Black National Day
HK police fired a high school boy by real bullets.

9 12

You Can't Wake Up, This Is Not A Dream
You're Part Of A Machine, You Are Not A Human Being
With Your Face All Made Up, Living On A Screen
Low On Self Esteem, So You Run On Gasoline...

Meanwhile on China's National Day burns...

0 1

Hong Kong Police shot a young demonstrator live round.
The first time in months.
Saddened my heart.

10 19