Today on I reworked an old drawing for a roadtrip to Poggersdorf 😎

15 73

Second lesson of flightschool, Perspective! Had a lot of fun drawing this

8 67

Results from the
Homotherium, Struthiosaurus, Anodontosaurus and Sauropleta.

202 1159

It is
We begin with Hungarosaurus, Borealopelta, Ankylosaurus and Euoplocephalus.
Share your favorite osteoderm carrier with us :3

210 878

more doodles, featuring poggersaurolophus

19 107

Because of popular demand we deleted, overhauled and expanded the emoji system.
Here the stuff I did.

38 211

Results from the
Tarsomordeo, Montanoceratops, Regaliceratops and Silutitan (largely obscured).

181 890

Have been thinking about small ornithischian during so here, take some :D!!!

62 254

my paleo rangers return :3

-kentrosaurus survey
-vancleavea performance

-definitely a chimerarachne display
-cherninia's friend

15 60

Results from the
Thapunngaka, Laidleria, Sacabambaspis and Palaeeudyctes (with an annoying giant eocene frog).

139 730

Old Sketchs from a project on the Paleostream server, The West Wing.

2 4

Results from the
Edops, Utahraptor (for ), Ebrachosuchus and Callichimaera.

88 514

Some sketches from the

A preening Utahraptor and a stranding of callichimaera because I was brain dead

17 78

Today on paleostream I turned a Walrus and an Amphicyon into a horror thing abomination

16 127

Results from the
Hoelaspis (for ), Pycnonemosaurus (for ), Sinomacrops (for Crested Gecko) and Pulchritudo.

97 525

Results from the
Rhinotitan, Bottosaurus, Atopodentatus and Naraboryctes.

104 445


-spying on a beeg rhino

-feeding a poor gator missing a part of its jaw

-aquarium maintenance

-hold mole gentle like potato

31 108