It’s competition time, I’m giving away a free display board. For a chance to win just like retweet and comment on this. Winner will be announced next Sunday :)

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Not sure what this building is, so I’ll let you guys decide. More pictures at my Instagram account as usual Rapid_tabletop.

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I used to love painting minis more than playing with them, so I had to try one as an experiment. And I'm having a ball, as expected!

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Adeptus Ministratum building complete. More pictures at my Instagram Rapid_Tabletop. This one and 2 other pieces are on my backlog I need to complete before building new pieces.

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🆕'Sisters of Battle-The Age of Apostasy' by Jaime Martinez Plainsong, prayer & crash of armoured feet roll like thunder between cavernous arches of the Cathedrum Sanctifactum as rank upon rank of Adepta Sororitas march out on crusade

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Just added 🆕 'Sisters of Battle - Canonesses' by Lewis Jones To be a Canoness requires a combination of strong leadership, shrewd tactical genius & sheer overarching faith in the Emperor

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To tired to do more on this. Calling it done for now. More pictures at my Instagram Rapid_tabletop. Special thanks to who donated parts for this.

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Just added 🆕'Arkanaut Iron Clad Vs Bloodthirster' by Jaime Martinez An Ironclad is a devastating engine of war, a bulky and formidably resilient ship of the line possessing sufficient firepower to level a city

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Just added🆕'Junith Eruita' by Lewis Jones No matter how outnumbered, how beaten down & bloodied they may be, every true Imperial servant who hears her words feels the fires of faith kindle anew in their breast

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So more blue guys - Calgar and his Victrix Guard - some Orruks next, but after that i give myself a little break from blue models :)

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Event Pack for Mancunian Carnage is now available including four new custom secondaries.

Still some tickets available over at or if you get in touch with me I can sort you out 👍🏼

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Some alterations of the first part of the train yard. Giving it a new story for each new alteration. More pictures at my Instagram account.

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Day 1 of the train yard. The second part I will complete tomorrow. More pictures at my instagram Now for some rest.

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Midweek, huh? This guy's ready to attack the very *concept* of Wednesday. Strange chap.

Tiny of Thikad Urgolsson, for the Starter Set.

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"Get out of my Swamp"

Imperial Guard Bullgryn/Ogryn Fan Art. The digital painting version of my artwork.

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Train is complete. More pictures at my instagram Huge thanks to for supporting me in this project.

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It’s back for a third time.

Bigger, better, bat shit mental.

Tickets for the growing legend that is will be on sale tomorrow.

Now hosted at to expand to 80 entrants!

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