画質 高画質

I made a post-fx Unity shader that dithers temporally into CGA for Abandoning it though; it cheeses away the real fun of the jam.

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Real-time music visualizations with by https://t.co/gK6YYksYF5

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Today: messing with shaders and tonemapping more.

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The snow shader I built for the Tölva expansion, based on object normal, scaling, and position.

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how the light based edge outline might look in

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This new shader is coming along ni-WHY DOES IT HAVE A FACE!?

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Getting close to finishing off this environment, playing with shaders and finishing up the model.

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Did a lot today!! I'm probably going to mess around with zbrush shaders so the skin doesn't look disgusting

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今日はray-MMDを頑張ってみようとして挫折して結局いつもお借りしてる下っ腹PさんのdGreenerShaderと東郷 枢さんのTPOShaderで遊ばせてもらいました 兼さん2の前髪を移植してみたり あとまた魂を失ってる

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Stencil shader for a project i never thought would get finished; need to make a 3D version at some point too

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Outlines now play nicely with unity's Tree Creator shaders. Look at this lovely cactus.

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random thought - using signed distance fields for subsurface scattering? Quick Test gif, maybe promising :)

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Turns out triplanar+parallax+subsurface translucency is not an easy to assemble shader. I think it will work though.

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(Using realtoon shader)
Kongou from kancolle.

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I won't be able to sleep well until I solve this. It's a long shot, but does anyone know what v.vertex.x would look like in shader forge?

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