New interactive shader just drop !
Glitchy Screens !
8/10 editions to sell

Visualize it at :
(best in fullscreen, wait it for it to load).

Move mouse to control camera

6 15

Ray III ↴

This composition has been made based on a generative raymarching algorithm.

You get 10% chance to get a rare colored version.

70 editions, 3

3 10

Ray I ↴

This composition has been made based on a generative raymarching algorithm.

You get 10% chance to get a rare black and white version.

100 editions, 4

2 0

Learning how to raymarch / do volumetric rendering and I only *just* understand the basics. Does anyone know why there are so many artifacts (i.e. doesnt look smooth, broken pixels) in this?

0 0

trying to get CustomRenderTexture volumes working in VSeeFace and am raymarching through the voxel data, though it only seems to render CRTs on load.

1 17

using the user shader in to do raymarch-style approximate AO from the SDF representation before writing final voxel data, then that is followed up by directional lighting

3 12