Good old 20 minute Friday sketches for Everyone's stuff was so amazing today!

Lemmysuchus, Palaeoisopus, Edestus and Titanoceratops.

33 131

My sketch for today is Edestus on the hunt

22 121

For today's flocking together on the we did Edestus, Spider-nightmare, a flat lemmysuchus, and Titanoceratops!

11 59

Results from the
Parahelicoprion, Psittacosaurus, Xinjiantitan and Achillobator.

57 337

Results from the
With some wishes again this time! (post an pic of your Graphic Novel copy and get a free wish as well)
Rhaphastosula , Nakonanectes , Macrospondylus and the new mosaurus Xenodens.

85 366

Results from the
Halszkaraptor, Carnotaurus, Saivodus and Simolestes

118 664

20 minute sketches from tonight's flocking together on featuring Halszkaraptor, Carnotaurus, and Simolestes

40 213

Very happy with the 20 minute sketches from tonight’s flocking together with , and Was a really fun night!

23 115

Flocking together
20 minute sketches of Halszkaraptor, Saivodus, Carnotaurus and Simolestes!

35 230

Results from the
Haldanodon, Oncorhynchus (carried by Amphicyon) and Kaiwhekea (maybe a little overkrill).

132 633

Results from the
Leptocleidus (a by ), Phuwiangvenator, Chinlestegophis and Siamotherium.

62 352

2 little things I did in last night's . A Cryolophosaurus in front of the moon and a Dinocrocuta resting in the shade next to a cliff(yes I think I messed up it's proportions a bit)

3 27

Results from the
Dinocrocuta, Masiakasaurus, Cryolophosaurus and Mimni.

52 347

Paleosketches from Portrait edition ;)

1 16

Results from the
Chalawan, Bishanopliosaurus, Isisaurus (drunk) and Barylambda.

68 405

Results from the
Gay Anancus, Thryptodus, Ichthyosaurus and Guizhouichthyosaurus.

68 399

(1/2) Results from the "wishes for 2021"
Eagle owl sized anurognathid, hippo stegosaur, small ornithischian with elaborate display structures....

58 441