# mickeyrourke thewrestler darrenaronofsky filmposter alternativemovieposter filmart movies illustration art digitalpainting digitalart movieposter conanthebarbarian conan arnoldschwarzenegger martinansin artprint geekart poster barbarian krom scifidaily scifi future futurism futuristic geek meteorite sciencefiction concept conceptart game fantastic space spaceart fantasy fantasyart creativeart planets scifinow horror shapeofwater creaturefromtheblacklagoon mondo horrorart explore procreate gameart games scififantasy scificoncept vancouverartist paintingswow fantasydaily scifiinside inspirationatnight scifiworldart conceptartist mack artwork snatch mackmondays teamcorgi teamcorgibrand corgiart photoshop corgi snatchmovie corgiworld corgiplanet corgination corgicommunity corgilove corgicon rebels thomsoloart starwars starwarsanewhope hansolo lukeskywalker princessleia chewbacca harrisonford markhamill petermayhew scifart digitalillustration starwarsart zod terrancestamp superman2 sketch digitalcoloring richarddonner phantomzone 80s superman generalzod creature guillermodeltoro movie fairytail fanart dougjones painting watercolor ink thegaiaproject environment environmentdesign traditional starwarsfan artist vanart vanartist artforanimation animation pen rockthis retrogaming boxart graphicdesigner indieartist artbook comics bigbooks picturebooks bookart robotart robots storybooks picturebook storybook kickstarter jackskellington sticker skeletonjack thepumpkinking nightmarebeforechristmas riggerart drawing igart irongiant warnerbros warnerbrothers hogarthhughes readyplayerone annihilation vectorart vectorillustration johncandy johnhughesfilms johnhughesmovies johnhughes adobedraw adobeillustrator eddieholly eddieh wadewatts highfive parzival stevenspielberg ernestcline posterart firsttothekey firsttotheegg gunter oasis tyesheridan mcfly awesomemovie art3mis sexy avatar gunters ootn oliviacooke artvsartist posters it childsplay predator blackpanther littleshopofhorrors poltergeist thelastjedi kanedasbike akira biker

Still plugging away on this Shape of Water piece. Last night I put the final touches on the Creature. Watercolor paint and ink on illustration board.

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Recently I watched a movie
And i liked the idea and decided to change it a little bit to my liking. My version of the story is probably different than you guys, just like your story is different than the stories of others!

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