This act of anti-Black, Police Terrorism was over $2.75.

158 338

"how should we address you, dr...uh" "camus is fine" "a.alright"

-esteemed doctor transferring to saotome medical from Prestigious Silk Palace Hospital idk. was originally there for a month long workshop/program thing but then the Wacky Bioterrorism Virus hits + he stays to help

6 15

Debemos cuidarnos y no caer en el juego del Terrorismo de Estado!

254 218

Juez Daniel Urrutia, sobre video de detención en Villa Francia: "Esa situación es inaceptable y hay responsabilidad política de quien establece esa orden. Es una absoluta violación a los DD.HH. y es constitutivo de terrorismo de Estado".

2032 929

said the blue water is natural. But why the cleaners need to wear full protective gear to clean up the floor? What the main components for the blue water? The government wants to kill the citizens.

239 276

Balanç de la setmana:
- 179 detinguts.
- 18 empresonats.
- 579 ferits.
- 14 hospitalitzats
- 4 ulls buidats.
- 0 dimissions.
- 0 destitucions.
Terrorisme d'estat.

1458 1756

goat with a backpack and several accusations to terrorism on turkey

3 16

At 13/10 16:00, Kwai Fong, the caught the passers-by into‘優品360‘, and suddenly covered up the mask masquerading as protesters to destroy the shop!

136 101

Say no to suspicious death &

27 97

fired to protesters!!!! 🤬🤬🤬#HKPoliceTerrorism

3 2

A video shows that the police officer shot a live bullet in the protester's chest at point-blank range!


0 0