fired to protesters!!!! 🤬🤬🤬#HKPoliceTerrorism

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A video shows that the police officer shot a live bullet in the protester's chest at point-blank range!


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The stage is being set. The moral blackmail, prepared. Soon, supporting Catalan independence will mean supporting terrorism for Spanish eyes. This is what Spain wants everyone to believe.

We will do whatever we can not to let that happen.

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We don’t want to be “violent”
What we do is forced by the government and the way police treated protestors.
Please trust HK protestors. We have reasons for every action.

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March with us on 9.29!

This is a desperate cry for help from HKers:

More "suicide", unlawful arrests, suppression by the regime... We can't win this fight without international support.

Come join us.

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Today I wrote the next tale, at least what to say in every page, waiting for the final text, but finally is done. Man, I'd been stuck in that for months, nothing with I came looked good to me. Not today.
The next is about terrorism with this tiger fella, let's go.

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The new P5R intro has taught me one thing.

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This is my very good bean Sammi.
She's a magical girl that just got started has been thrown the world of legacy, terrorism and love.
And she trying to figure out what is her roll in this world.

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The hit the boy on his head! And you can see they put a black hat on him maybe want to cover the wound? This is murder!

A photo in comment shown that the boy was in a coma and many bloods on floor.

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