To celebrate his birthday in 1857, commissioned 3 trains to take 2,600 of his millhands to the largest art show in Britain, the Art Treasures Exhibition in born 1803

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Theories why the 1903 statue of has its back to include to prevent the face being hit by stray balls & to symbolise looking at other horizons. But why place him in the line of fire from a cannon?

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An entry by in his notebook in 1835 of 10 bags of Peruvian wool, the year before he found unsold bales in The raw fleeces carried the woolsorters disease, a killer in & later

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It’s today! There’ll be dancing in the aisles & at Bar 56, afternoon entertainment

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British Pathé has a film of the to Salts Mill by George V & Queen Mary 1918 with shots of crowds at Fox Corner & Victoria Rd. They wrote: “..what a pleasure it was pass through the thickly populated centre of &

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Newly released date for Lucienne de Ville & guests’ next performance in Another Sunday of entertainment, music & dance. Bar 56 on Bingley Rd. Saltaire’s

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House 14 (sponsored by The Craft House on our Open Houses Trail is 6 Harold Place, where you will Arts Trail regulars Paula Dunn and Ian Burdall. The Saltaire Arts Trail runs from Sat 25 - Mon 27 May. More at

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Some details from this morning’s Glorious Painting! course with Saltaire artist Ann Davies, focused today on underpainting

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Marie Studholme, former Salts Grammar School pupil, & international singer & actor, was besieged by fans at the opening of the Alhambra theatre in 1914.

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Herbert b.1840, son of of was buried in 1912 with his 1st wife Elizabeth & her sister Margaret his 2nd wife, in the 1837 Cemetery, which has just secured £6.7m funding to restore it.

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The led 3,000 mill hands to Station for the journey to for birthday bash at Crow Nest mansion in 1856. but it wasn’t January

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Jnr released 9,000 trout into the beck at 4,000 into the nr & 2,000 into his father’s lake at his Crow Nest mansion Lightcliffe, nr in 1870

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St Thomas’ Day the poor went a-thomasing, children in queued for a gift from & were counted twice to make sure no-one had more than one.

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A few tickets left. Munch & move to the music at the Live with Lucienne de Ville. 7pm on Thursday 13 December. Tickets from the Higher Ground Cafe, Hirst Wood

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Suddenly 1887 Jnr, supporter of cremation, found in the billiard room at Heart failure aged 44. Laid to rest in

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Tidier coiffure for the younger as depicted on the 1856 bust, his present from the workforce, in Once a not so bothered.

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Born 1841 in Fanny Salt had TB & despite wintering in the French of Pau & she died just before her 20th birthday at home, Methley Hall. Immortalised in

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1928, Tony Richardson lived on Rd Married to Vanessa Redgrave, parents to actors Joely & Natasha. BFI

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Before was built exhibited alpaca cloth at the 1851 Great Exhibition opened 1851. He was advised not to buy part of the building for a weaving shed.

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