今日は ✨「ぼくの夢は、

安政5年(1858)年の日仏修好通称条約締結により、フランスとの国交が樹立。その時幕府の交渉相手となったのが 3世政権でした。徳川慶喜の弟昭武が幕府を代表して にも出席✨#イラスト

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20世紀初頭のイギリスで刊行されたバラ図鑑「The Genus Rosa」。園芸家エレン・ウィルモット(1858-1934)が、画家アルフレッド・パーソンズ(1847-1920)の協力を得て完成した本書は、バラを扱った植物図譜の代表的な1冊です。

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Arthur Hacker ( 25 September 1858 – 12 November 1919 ) was an English painter-Percephone-..
2.Arthur Hacker (25 September 1858 – 12 November 1919 ) was an English painter.Syrinx

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The African Civilization Society of Brooklyn New York,
Plans To Destroy The Slave Trade 1858 :

"the destruction of the African Slave-trade, by the introduction of lawful commerce and trade into Africa: the promotion of the growth of cotton"

- The A.C.S. Constitution, 1858

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Dr Laura Forster (1858–1917) was a British colonial neurologist & surgeon. In 1914, she joined the British Red Cross & carried out the first surgical operation by a woman in the war. The extreme demands (20-hour days) & unrelenting war exhausted her: she died from this and flu.

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Doodle sold for 10.00 ETH ($13,578.00)

Previously sold for 10.00 ETH ($13,619.20)
Floor Price: 8.88


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Doodle was just bought on OpenSea for 10 ETH by 0xf90...D844


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مشهد من الفيلم التاريخي "أسد الصحراء"
ذكرى إستشهاد عمر المختار 1931.

An iconic scene from the movie “Lion of the desert”
Tribute to Omar Al Mukhtar 1858-1931

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The sphinx butt makes for curious foreground interest in this early photo of the . The gallery opened in 1858 at which time the backdrop of open landscaped parkland remained around Royal Fort. The sphinx outside the Victoria Rooms went in 1913.

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1858年9月12日 フェルナン・クノップフがベルギー デンデルモンデに生誕。

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Jacques de Lalaing (1858-1917) Anglo-Belgian painter/sculptor, specializing in animals. As a painter he continued to work in a realistic, naturalistic style, as a portrait painter and producing historical scenes. As a sculptor he produced allegorical bronzes and memorial art.

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