簡単にだけど、塔と崖なども で作って足して背景としてまとめてみた。HoudiniはHeightFieldとアセットの自動配置、崖モデル生成や塔の作成で使いました。

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Lead artist at Epic Games made a cool example a while ago. World of Warcraft in UE 4 with the help of megascans:

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Keyframe practice using composed and rendered using blender, some assets from megascans and freebies from sketchfab. I posed the figure using Daz3D. Overpainted the whole thing in Photoshop. Definitely NOT a portfolio piece. this is done purely as a practice.

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Quixelの とどのように組み合わせて利用するかについて解説するウェビナーが4/2に開催されます。

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Hope you are all fine and healthy and working on your projects during the quarantine :) Im back at it with some new environments for Heroes of Bronze :)

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A seamless 3D texturing experience. ⚡

Make the Megascans library your own and redefine thousands of assets with your own style in Mixer 2020.
Use for a chance to be featured!

Blog: https://t.co/dwRo60UcIC

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Location: Somwhere deep in the Bayou Swamps of a New Orleans.

Done in about 2 hours and some change, expands all the way down the walkways.

Would love to know what you think!

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Inspired by resident evil render with vray and 3dsmax, staircase-lamp and structure modeled by me.Used Quixel megascan

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Hello 2020 WIP of my personal environment created with Unreal Engine 4.24 no raytrace no baked all realtime
Inspired by The last of us

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との使用において無料化されたQuixel Megascans のSurfaceデータを、#SubstancePainter のsmart materialとして保存する手順の覚書を自分用に作りました😄(もっと楽な方法あったらプリーズ…)


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