Completed base 3Dmodel, continuing to carve keys for metal pins.

Compare preliminary sketch. If you're a person that says "I can't draw," DO IT anyway! Little scribbles are precious tools that help work through ideas.

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,#3DModel,#Tinkercad,#TinkerTogether,#Autodesk,-Here's the link to the newly published design, ,-

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I modeled a simple 3Dmodel, redrawn it by hand on paper and vectorized it digitally. This is because I'm not very good at drawing digital 2Dart. It may sound like a complex pipeline, but for me it turned out to be quite comfortable and fast!

Maybe it will be helpful to someone!

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It would be nice to feel secure in my work beyond 6 months out at a time. I and , : Got a solid gig starting Jan/Feb? Give me a shout.

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