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when you scale up one part & forgot to do the rest 😬

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*$400 pesos mensuales (20 dólares al mes).
Cabe a destacar que mucho del Software para diseño (3DMax, Solidworks, Autodesk Maya, etc) puede costar hasta $70,000 pesos (casi $4,000 dólares) mexicanos por 3 AÑOS DE LICENCIA.

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Let me look into my bag.. I started as a mechanical solidworks designer, that then did blender, then tried environments, then fell in love with portraits, then blender again 😂 add sprinkles of horses and websites somewhere in there. I love talking to people so there’s that.

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Dying Covid-19
어서 코로나를 물리치고
어서 일상을 찾읍시다
모두 화이팅!

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I modeled the Puppet's mask using Solidworks for some practice

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A little bit more and the first phase is finished. (Yes, even if the modeling is finished, I still have to cut the pieces and transfer them to STL) the last piece missing is the yellow chin.

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First I had to generate the files, I exported the copper layer from kicad to SVG, then to SOLIDWORKS to extrude it so I could re-export it as a STL...

Definitely the least ideal part of the process, I tried to directly display images on the printer, but no luck yet.

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残業時間暇でM18クレイモアを作ってみた。 家で出力して色を塗ってみよう。

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