Hi Ho~
Possible new artwork on sunday or monday ~ ❤️✨

MORE details in My IG post ⭐
See u very soon, i hope~ ✌🏻🔥🍑

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Twins; one with colorful eyes but such a dull personality, and one with dull eyes but such a colorful personality..

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Je peux enfin montrer oeeeeeee
J'ai pas trop l'habitude de mettre des hashtag pour les dessins originaux ici mais pour le délire...

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✨Come on sister () we both share the spotlight let’s remind everyone who’s the true Sun & Moon Goddesses are shall we?~✨

Art by: amurisa (fivver)

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A collaboration: FloLady, Yola, Ocha, The Dark Blossoms follows a story of twinsisters in a form of short poetry. The background of this collection was inspired by what we’ve experienced in the past: my twinsister & I were separated since we were babies as she was adopted.

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Twins. (possibly) On the right is my skin (Me) and on the left is my friend's skin. (Ah, I almost forgot, I took a ready-made pose in Pinterest)

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Surreals! If you already had your first cup of coffee then try to guess what those two Surreals represent 🤓

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