YellowJacket 🐝
Did this during the 2hr D&Q on BlackListUniverse Livestream [YouTube].
Topic was John Buscema characters.

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THE WASP: Second version. I hope you like it! 😃
Remember, I am available for digital commissions . You can write me at for more information. You can also visit my Inprnt shop for prints of my artworks.

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ant-man and the wasp was so gooood!

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A brand new review by of is now live! Check it out and know that retweets are appreciated (as are you/your time):

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La teoria de que antman use el mundo cuantico para viajar al pasado y asi traer a captain marvel se me hace una muy buena teoria y creible, pero deberia de dar varios saltos en el tiempo pues seria su primera vez usando el mundo cuantico espero que en se revela mas

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Actually wondering if this is going to happen in ...with his kids fading out and his wife reverting to Skrull form..then fading out. Sets up and Thoughts?

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See the brand-new poster for Join the action theatres, July 6.

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Decided to do a fan poster for Had a blast making this one 🐜

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