🤩Montage à blanc du tabouret (socle) de la flèche de ! Cette opération a permis de vérifier que tous les assemblages sont bien exécutés avant la pose prévue sur les piliers de la croisée de la cathédrale fin mars !!!
© David Bordes – EP RNDP

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True fact 👉 also works with physical art, building assemblages, collages and sculptures, with black and gold colours. 'His darkness persists in the NFT world'

His Story:

His 🔥Drop:

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The Dirk-toothed Megantereon is usually associated with Pliocene and middle Pleistocene faunal assemblages. A jaw found in the Chadian site of Toros Menalla, dates the origin of Megantereon back to Late Miocene, around 7 Mya.

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Vintage Yokai assemblages.

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Tonight, we have a wonderful summer exhibition of artworks in our gallery.
REIMAGININGS by Claudia Roulier and Michelle Lamb is now open in our main gallery.


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Jurassic Nature: Botanical Assemblages by Recreate in Layers https://t.co/Wa4Z8W6TWh

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Opening Saturday: Paintings, Assemblages & All Things Wood.

Our latest exhibition brings together the work of 5 diverse artists featuring paintings, wood turning & upcycled items.

Open 10am-4pm, 2-7 July.

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Announcing Assembler!


Assembler is a Grasshopper plugin that helps you construct and manage assemblages of parts, conceived with (but not limited to) the architectural scale in mind

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L'histoire de ce "Mazinger Z" espagnol, basé non pas sur la série de Nagai, mais sur un film taiwainais pirate tiré d'une série live qui n'a rien à voir, montre assez bien combien ces bandes dessinées étaient elles-mêmes des assemblages baroques et transnationaux.⤵️ Passionnant ! https://t.co/NXchCFFsiJ

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New paper: Khok Pha Suam locality in Thailand (Manitkoon, 2022) yielding numerous Aptian-Albian partial vertebrate assemblages, improving our knowledge of the diversity of Early Cretaceous vertebrate faunas in Southeast Asia.

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Join one of the largest in-house assemblages of concept artists in the world!

✨ pre-structured work days
✨ junior to art director career pathways
✨ regular care packages
✨ no crunch, ever!

📝 https://t.co/phdomsG6By

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Pig news! and I of the 🐖PIG RESPONSE PROJECT🐖 together with are inviting you to the premiere of our film 📽 ‘Where are the pigs? African Swine Fever in deadly assemblages’. Honoured to be part of something so full of soul & care ✨ 19 Dec 7pm GMT

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Assemblages Divers by Galadia sur https://t.co/LmhW6bvfcp

Mezzanine, étagère et bureau

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MOC Torterra terminé ! Je suis très content de l'échelle que j'ai su lui donner. Sa création a été un mélange de numérique et de briques réelles (pour vérifier la solidité et la géométrie de certains assemblages). Au suivant !

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The schizophrenic artist was creative from his early childhood, when he painted obsessively in the family garden & constructed assemblages out of wood & other recycled materials.

Walla was featured in 75: https://t.co/NwiKKnKPb7

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Il a fallu 430 heures de pose et l'assemblages de 34 images différentes pour obtenir ce panorama à couper le souffle.

Tellement de détails qu'on ne reconnaît qu'à grand peine la constellation d'Orion (en haut à droite).

Auteur : Alistair Symon
Source : https://t.co/xX8mduc3R0

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BOU-VP-16/1 is one of three skulls from near Herto, Ethiopia, that bear cutmarks or other signs of mortuary practices. The discoveries came near some of the latest Acheulean handaxe-dominated assemblages in Africa, around 155,000 years old.

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The use of to reconstruct changes in the (Lopingian) Zechstein deposits of northeast
Gibson & Wellman | Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology

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"We have begun to contemplate our origins: starstuff pondering the stars; organized assemblages of ten billion billion billion atoms considering the evolution of atoms; tracing the long journey by which, here at least, consciousness arose." - "Cosmos"

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