Young adult presented with severe elbow pain. Plain film/CT (requested by ortho for suspected avulsion fracture) shows globular focus of calcification at the common extensor tendon origin adjacent to lateral humeral epicondyle...

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Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) avulsion or tibial eminence avulsion is a commonly overlooked knee avulsion on radiographs.

ACL/PCL attachment sites should be carefully scrutinized in all pediatric knee trauma radiographs!

Radiographic-CT correlation of ACL avulsion.

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Friendly reminder that isolated OCF's without joint space widening are stable injuries that do NOT require cervical (and that includes "avulsion" fractures 😉!)

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Avulsion fracture in a 14-yo boy with sports trauma. MRI shows the fragment of the lesser trochanter (LT) displaced proximally and the bony defect (yellow and red arrows). A few remaining intact fibers at the LT. A very rare injury. Surgery or conservative that is the question?

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avulsion ☠️😵‍💫

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Small avulsion fractures of the knee are often a small part of the story. Missing them is not ideal
Here is a review guide I made as part of my knee image interpretation pathway.

Everything you kneed to know here:

Half price this month!

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From sanityxvanity’s prompt list I found on Pinterest
For this prompt I choose to use the scene from intro where the kid is mutilating his face with scissors in front of a mirror

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The proximal adductor longus avulsion is rarely an isolated injury and forms part of the PLAC- an anatomical concept of the pyramidalis–anterior pubic ligament–adductor longus complex (PLAC).

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Illustration of a nice case of sesamoid avulsion of intersesamoid ligament of the thumb. Correlation drawing-ultrasound-MRI (re-posted with a small error correction, sorry).

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During insular tumor resection, the M2 perforators on the insular cortex must be thoroughly coagulated and sharply cut to avoid injury to the parent vessel via their avulsion. For more, be sure to check out the following link:

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Clay-shoveler’s fracture, first described in Australian ditch diggers in the 1930s, is an avulsion fracture of the spinous process of a lower cervical vertebrae. It is caused by lifting weights rapidly with arms extended.

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