修持「地藏菩薩本尊法」的口訣就是:「無分別心」。# Vajracarya Shi Lian-ning#padmakumara#mantra#真佛宗#shengyenlu#grandmasterlu#truebuddhaschool#buddha#cognition
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Si le manque de transport va sauver les Caryatides du temple d’Erechtée de l’exportation, cela ne sera pas le cas en ce qui concerne le Parthénon.

Les plus belles métopes sont prises, on descelle et scie ce qu’on peut.

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早晚各七遍不空羂索觀音菩薩的不空摩尼供養真言,無間罪業亦解脫。 蓮花化生,永不胎生,並能回憶宿世。# Vajracarya Shi Lian-ning#padmakumara#mantra#真佛宗#shengyenlu#grandmasterlu#truebuddhaschool#buddha#cognition
💗 Facebook ➡️ masterlianning

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My caryatid illustration just turned four years old?? I cannot believe this 😭🥰

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Just finished up a painting of 's character Carya Greenbriar, a half-elf warlock! I set myself a lighting challenge on this one and I'm pretty happy with the result!

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# Vajracarya Shi Lian-ning#padmakumara#mantra#真佛宗#shengyenlu#grandmasterlu#truebuddhaschool#buddha#cognition

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WIP painting of my good friend's D&D character Carya!

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令和乙女便箋 - EUCARYA | 同人誌通販のアリスブックス https://t.co/1r9il3XWA3 より

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For my last class in Smart School, we have a guest to review our portfolio. This is mine. I like my work. Took me a long time to be able to say that

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