El 3 de junio de 1924 murió uno de nuestros escritores favoritos: Franz Kafka. Hoy nos acordamos de él y os recomendamos una preciosa bolsa de tela (con ilustración de ) y un libro esencial para descubrir al escritor checo: «Cartas a Felice».

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The hair was designed to look like an outer brain - insect like, but high end Its a reference to The look symbolises the change from a young woman to a rising star

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Dark Books (TLH): A day, a man wakes up turned into a giant insect, from there, he will see how his life is disappearing in the worst way and without being able to prevent it.

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Painting by my father
Carl Köhler (1919-2006)

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Another illustration for Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis.

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