¡Camisetas, pegatinas, libretas...!

Aquí tenéis el enlace a la colección:


El 20% del precio de los productos es lo que se llevan los autores. Este 20% se reparte así: 33% Lab, 33% yo y 34% será donado al proyecto

¡Gracias por ayudarnos!

5 7

Testing out mouse pointer changes with You can now pet the frogs! 🐸

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Unsure exactly what RPG in a Box is? Think crossed with crossed with crossed with A simple, fun way to turn stories & ideas into games that are completely your own!

16 30

For I will announce this: on February 2nd, I will reveal a new game project I will be working on with great artist and game designer , using She made this cute Bloo avatar for me and I love it.

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First of the year :D Still exploring Mode the movement more smooth in this test bike project :)

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I checked out and played a bit today with Pretty fun thing. Not so overwhelming as for an artist.

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Susita, the Israel older and first car on roads. 1968-1978!!

to the
(the tech by: Ken Silverman).

Also in the

12 3

Thought 's character and icon had a really nice design, so I tried recreating it in 3D with an Okami inspired shading! It was modeled in and shaded in

Hey, she is a cool person and an amazing artist too, so please consider following her!

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Some other creatures for Trium Vis, a remake of Triple Triad from FF8 in The project aims to be open source so check out the how to here: https://t.co/i07H5lGQq8

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Running some test on Momentum valley's unlit lighting in loving it

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