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As mentioned this morning when I opened up I wrote a blog about the River-maidens (https://t.co/QV1qj709px).
I didn't add the Marsh-Hag (p.23) from Francesco Nepitello's The One Ring RPG "Lake-Town" book with art by

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Nepitite, God of Commerce and Currents

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Mi estilo con otro estilo? no lo creo, aunque si le bajo la fuerza y el ruido la imagen se parece mas a mi dibujo original
Así hago los dibujos yo ahora, dibujo en el canvas, le mando AI y listo.
Acá un ejemplo con Hormi ^^ mi querida Linepithema humile ❤️🐜

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Hormi la hormiga Argentina ; Linepithema Humile

Este diseño del AI esta lejos del mío, pero la personalidad y la idea es la misma (hormiga humanoide).

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by Enginepithecus
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://t.co/9NLK05yHGv

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Subiendo dibujo después de tiempo... Este dibujo lo presente como trabajo final para el curso de dibujo y al mismo tiempo es un regalo para un snepito muy especial 🥰

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Te quiero mucho NacoPenePitoNacoPayasoXD

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Morning! Old TOR time. The cover to The Darkening of Mirkwood, the epic campaign by Gareth Hanrahan & Francesco Nepitello.

As ever, it’s all about the Hobbit iconic Trotter. He’s the best.

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著 Enginepithecus様

この作品はクリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-継承3.0ライセンスに基づき作成されています


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Meet my second OC, Nepita! Have to hurry to make designs for Art fight aaaaaHH. She is a dryad that loves making amateur movies and listening to lofi music. She's pretty shy and closed off, so don't feel bad if she doesn't approach you, that's just how she is.

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Heading back into Middle-earth for tonight’s freelance shift. Here’s Elrond, painted over a rough by the incredible John Howe for Ares Games’ Lords of Middle-earth, designed by the equally incredible Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi.

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I FINALLY FINISHED HER REDESIGN 🎉🎉 Officially meet Anepithymi ☺️

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SCP-TCG-JP-J by AiliceHershey
SCP-2031-JP by Enginepithecus

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Hey it's Mermay now, so have a part merfolk oc who isn't named yet but is very crucial to my character Anepithymi's backstory :3

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Spooky update! Someone creepin around the haunted bonepit putting silly hats on the roaming undead! If you can handle a fright and a lil risk, sneak on down to get a peek. They well funny stumbling around with colorful hats tied to thems pranked heads.

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