Only tweaks today, to get back in the groove:
• Weapons now have thematic damage distribution (median of 2 or 3 rolls, or swingy with only 1 die).
• Subtle ground shade for Trees (visual depth).
• Bumped up saturation (better fits the whimsical tone).

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Huuuuuge breakthrough! 😎
Linking of Maps, to create a continuous world, finally works! 😭😍😭Now, after one year has passed, you are able to traverse the whole world again, only this time the transitions are procedurally generated!

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In cute Retro clashes with Horror in a Rogue'ish Dungeon Crawl with concise mechanics.
Swift "Bump into Things"-Skirmish Combat and few Stats enforce a more intuitive play style.

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Updated page on with new screenshots (big screen art by ), to better reflect presentation of upcoming Demo.
Download of previous build has been disabled, and some time today a write-up on progress goes live.

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The Story-Part of is a wrap!
You uncover the story by finding pieces of notes written from various points of views, and studying them at Fireplaces.
It's an unobtrusive mechanic, easy to ignore on subsequent runs.

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Been working on TitleScreen all day ...
Image is a commission from (like almost every other non-tile piece of Art in the game❤️). Added a dithering layer to north-east part of the image to make the lettering pop better.

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Concerning procGen and creating sth. cool to explore, this part's a wrap! Really satisfied on how the layouts look and feel!
Next up is macro work, connecting maps (procGenerated & handcrafted) in a faux 3D space, so traversal feels logical.

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Day 25 /
• Final Touches on 1st Tutorial Stage:
• Algorithm determining legit Exit Tiles produced faulty results, so I scrapped and rewrote it in a different manner.
• All thematic/helpful Message Tomb Stones now show up.

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Day 17 /
• Back at it ...
• Finding legit coords where to drop a Watchtower in previously procGenerated forest, making it intersect with layout (still needs a bunch of legit area checks and carve passages for doors).

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Day 16 /
• Big Moment: translate procGenerated Tutorial Stage into Calaworm-compatible Data, shift to center of area, choose random entry point, place Player and assemble Module.
• Still fairly bland map, but it's alive! 🥳

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Day 8 /
• Introducing new doorClass, the "Moon Gate", part of the overhaul to make exploration more exciting (and puzzly). Still have to write the logic and create another asset for it to work as intended ...

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PCG rework underway, game now detects Maps, applies Tilesets and compiles random Modules; Maps aren't connected yet, but I can finally start from the Menu again.
Also trying more lush colors --> might be a better fit with the game's more whimsical tone.

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Two more Menu Mockups; slowly getting an idea about how the Menu should look like ...
Put a slightly transparent dithering gradient in the bottom half of the image, to make the Text "pop".
Background Artwork by

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Mockup for the Main Menu Design.
For the Background Image I once more commissioned , who did all the Key Art for the game in the game's color palette (still playing with some Hue/Saturation values here and there). 🤗

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Next Patch is almost ready, will drop by end of the week. Addressed lots of usability issues that got reported. 🙂
At Fireplaces and Shrines Players may now browse Tutorials Hints, they've unlocked so far.

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Needed a 2nd Monster for Blind Mechanic in my so here's some Crypt Bats:
HP- and WeaponClass is rolled randomly, then game calculates an amount of 1-4 Bats to display (representing danger level). Each Bat has idle movement.

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Thanks for hosting! ♥️
Needed a 2nd Monster for Blind Mechanic in my so here's some Crypt Bats:
HP- and WeaponClass is rolled randomly, then game calculates an amount of 1-4 Bats to display (representing danger level). Each Bat has idle movement.

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For I have the Crypt Bats (needed a 2nd Monster for Blind Mechanic):
HP- and WeaponClass is rolled randomly, then game calculates an amount of 1-4 Bats to display (representing danger level). Each Bat has idle movement.

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Commissioned to design a LoFi-Version of the Banner for the PreMenu, matching the Pixelsize in the game for a more consistent impression. 🤗

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Thanks for hosting! <3
is rework from obscure german Cult-#roguelike (early 90s).
Finished working on the Pre-Menu. There's going to be an Ingame Menu eventually, but since Editor only works in Windowed Mode, I made this thing (Art by ):

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