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Tales of Symphonia quick sketch 🎼✨

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Husband painted something after a very long time! ❤️

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スラム街で育ったフォークは、悪天候や寒さに悩まされることはないだろう。しかし、マザーホレを最も攻撃的にするチャンスを得た彼は、ヒューゴに自分の服装を永遠に後悔させるためにそれを使うだろう ⛈️❄️

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"Look at his feathers, they are so bright!"
"What is he wearing around his neck?"
"He looks so old and tired..."

Being cursed to live the life of a swan, Raoul is now dammed to hear humans and swans chattering and mumbeling 🦢

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Cheria from Tales of Graces commission for @/Jagdude21 💖#talesof

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Yuri Lowell for @/ monadochild !!

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This Sunday will be a break from the character list again and its time for you to introduce more of your favorite childhood books/movies to us with the help of your favorite Lumi characters!

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Be as noble as you want...it wont help you when your enemy is right behind you,trapping you without your notice...


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Every locked away noble needs his own smart and nagging Owlgo, doesn't he? ❤️🦉💚


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On his way to get the longest hair,nothing can stop Little Noble on his path. And if one dares, a green and blue figure will appear,protecting their little crybaby. Yet a certain witch likes to keep him under her watch and control...

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Tonight at 7PM CST, will be playing more Tales of Symphonia Remastered! Come hang out as we pause out Journey of Regeneration to get a job in Palmacosta!


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