Supper on Monday 29th August. I drank one 500ml can of the quasi-beer. (Illustration is for reference only)

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Supper on Friday 12th August. (#fish_paste_products), Tempura is made by Keima Onomichi. I drank one 500ml can of the quasi-beer. (Illustration is for reference only)

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Supper on Friday, June 24th. I drank one 500ml can of the 3rd beer. (Illustration is for reference)

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Supper on Friday, June 10th. The soup is Champon soup (straight) made by Nagasaki Shirayuki Foods. The noodles are Chinese noodles made by Hiroshima Marubayashi. Vegetables are cut vegetables in a bag. I drank one 500ml can of the 3rd beer.

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Lunch on Tuesday, May 3rd. White rice is freshly cooked. (Illustration is for reference)

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Sunday lunch. Grilled mackerel comes with grated radish. (Illustration is an image)

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Saturday lunch. The soup is with egg. Rice is harvested at The variety is "Princess's preference". (Illustration is an image)

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I had lunch today. The miso soup contains potatoes, deep-fried tofu, and shimeji mushrooms. Rice is harvested at The variety is "Princess's preference". (Illustration is an image)

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