Tolasana: An advanced that creates fire in body,focus in mind and brings balance to your practice. It strengthen wrists,arms,and abs. It also helps to sharpen your mind,and improve concentration as well as body awareness

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Uttanapadasana:It is very useful for removing the excess fat of the body. It is beneficial to those who suffer from backache. It rejuvenates the spinal nerves and the brain cells, strengthens the muscles and activates them.

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Utthita Parsvakonasana: It strengthens and stretches the legs, knees, and ankles, stimulates abdominal organs and Increases stamina

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Utkatasana: Also, known as Chair Pose. It strengthens the lower body and stretches the upper back simultaneously. This invigorating posture energizes the entire body

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Partner Yoga is a practice in which two people support themselves in poses in a way that enhances posture and builds trust and communication.

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Ardha Chandrasana: In this takes shape of half moon.Regular practice enhances your span of concentration. It also improves co-ordination and motor reflexes.The intense stretch to the spine strengthens paraspinal muscles,keeping the spine well-aligned

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Shashankasana: Also known as "Hare Pose". A simple dynamic forward-bending posture that provides a gentle stretch while relaxing and energizing the body and mind

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Dhanurasana is back bending asana in hatha yoga that resembles a bow. Benefits include improvement of posture & stretching of the front portion of the body.

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Hand are believed to have positive healing properties. Murti mudra brings balance,stability, and comfort within the body and mind

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Kandharasana' known as 'Shoulder Pose'. It attempts to improve digestion by massaging the abdominal organs.
It is beneficial for people suffering from prolapse, asthma and bronchial conditions

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Ardha Chandrasana: In this asana,body takes shape of half moon.Regular practice enhances your span of concentration and improves co-ordination. It strengthens the paraspinal muscles,keeping the spine well-aligned

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Pranayama is the yogic practice of focusing on breath. It is the fourth "limb" of the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga. It is a means to elevate the prana shakti, or life energies.#yogapractice

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Halasana is an inverted asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. Its variations include Karnapidasana with the knees by the ears, and Supta Konasana with the feet wide apart.

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Akarna Dhanurasana: Also known as The Shooting – bow – Pose. This posture proves to be very beneficial who have paralysis or air colic in the next part of the foot or fingers

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Janu Sirsasana: It stretches the front of the spine, eases stiffness in the muscles of the legs. It increases the flexibility of all the joints of the arms, from shoulders to the knuckles.

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Ardha Chandrasana: In this asana, body takes the shape of a half moon. Regular practice enhances your span of concentration. It also improves co-ordination and motor reflexes.

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Mandukasana: It is a simple, yet very powerful posture to open and stretch the hips, groin and insides of the thighs. It is quite beneficial for people suffering from diabetes.

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Bharadvajasana; It is a variation of the classic seated twist. It works on the dorsal and lumbar spine, and improves blood circulation. It increases the flexibility of the entire body. It also helps treat disorders of the kidneysand liver

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Happy International Yoga Day!

In honour of this ancient practice, here's an interview we did with pioneer Dr. Madan Kataria on World Laughter Day.

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