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The notifications for Archie Comics's Twitter after tweeting this: https://t.co/ypPYqinsQj
"The Art of the Sonic the Hedgehog Comics" was a planned book intended to showcase various artwork by different artists, as well as a behind-the-scenes look and a extensive variant cover gallery.
Unfortunately, because of Archie losing the Sonic license it was cancelled.
Sonic’s spaceship that was used for the "Tossed In Space" arc (#126 to #129) holds a resemblance to Samus Aran’s Gunship from Nintendo’s Metroid series.
Knuckles’s hat from the OVA has made several appearances in the mainline Archie series, notably being worn by Knuckles’s Light Mobius counterpart. It also made a quick cameo in the Sonic Boom comic during a one-off gag.
Issue 126‘s main story revolving around an evil Super Sonic who desires the destruction of everything around him is considered by many fans to be a homage to the character in Fleetway’s "Sonic The Comic".
In STH #160, Bean refers to Sonic as "Mister Needlemouse". Which was a name associated with the character’s prototype designs by Naoto Ohshima.
Turbo Tails looks a lot different than I remember. https://t.co/YEnBTauavH
Say, that’s pretty cool! It’s always nice to see western characters get some recognition these days. Congrats to Evan Stanley and Tyson Hesse! https://t.co/n9UMDJb6EY