Jane Hoodlessさんのプロフィール画像

Jane Hoodlessさんのイラストまとめ

Sculptor, fabricator & narrator inspired by the criminal, the cultural & the curious. MRSS @Royal_Sculptors / Ins’gram: @janehoodless

フォロー数:1080 フォロワー数:3403

Botticelli depicted Venus arriving at the shore after her birth, having emerged from the sea fully-grown.
"…she was carried over the waves of the resounding sea on soft foam. The gold-filleted Horae happily welcomed her & clothed her with heavenly raiment…"

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Witches were believed to be attracted by the human scent of a shoe, & on entering one, found themselves trapped, unable to reverse. C14th saint, John Schorne was said to have trapped the Devil in a boot, a legend that may have its origin in ancient folk beliefs.

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Winifred Knights: The Deluge (1920) depicts an apocalyptic flood with figures fleeing to higher ground while Noah’s distant ark glides away. The ark is more sinister than benign, sliding silently past as men, women (incl Knight) & children flee the rising waters.

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Mowgli felt Kaa's back grow broader as the python hissed like a sword drawn from a scabbard:
"I have seen all the dead seasons, & the great trees & the old elephants, & the rocks that were bare & sharp-pointed ere the moss grew. Art thou still alive, Manling?"

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“The sheep shall eat the men.” During the Clearances, families were driven from the Highlands by the landowners & the land they farmed given over to the grazing of sheep. North Sea oil was also predicted: “A black rain will bring riches to Aberdeen.”

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Antonio Vivaldi was immediately baptised by the midwife, either due to his poor health or bec an earthquake had shaken Venice that day. Either trauma may've caused his mother to dedicate her red-haired son to the priesthood, where he became known as The Red Priest.

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Picasso's La Colombe, a lithograph of a pigeon (without an olive branch), was chosen as the emblem for the World Peace Council in 1949. He said his father had taught him to paint doves, & that "I stand for life against death; I stand for peace against war."

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Symbols appearing in D.G. Rossetti's 1866 painting Lady Lilith allude to the femme fatale reputation of the Romantic Lilith: poppies (death & cold) & white roses (sterile passion). He wrote a sonnet: Lilith (later renamed Body's Beauty) to appear alongside it.

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John Miller (born Johann Sebastian Müller): Helianthus (1770s)

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After Emily Dickinson's death, her sister kept her promise & burned most of the poet's correspondence. Dickinson however left no instructions about the 40 notebooks & loose sheets in a locked chest. Recognising the poems' worth her sister saw them published.

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