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#Keighley’s horse drawn #tram service began #OTD 1889. 15yrs of hard slog later, the horses were retired permanently but not all in the town celebrated electric trams taking over. #AllAboard #RoomOnTop
#DidYouKnow General George Klapka, a leader of the Hungarian Uprising, stayed with #Bradford wool merchants the Hurst family in #Shipley Hall in 1849/50? Very popular with the British public, writer & humorist Jerome Klapka Jerome born #OTD 1859, took his name. https://t.co/E9v2pB5h4e
Harriet Byles H/T of Salt Girls School would mourn her nephew, grandson of the 1st owner of the #Bradford Observer, Fr Thomas Byles who died on the #Titanic. Lost too, paintings by Nancy Preston, born in #Saltaire in 1873, artist of Littlebeck Hall, #Gilstead. https://t.co/5f6KOP9OJV
Harry Ramadan’s was on Front Street, #Stanley in #CountyDurham & was shut down by the big boys. #PippedAtThePost #SaltAndVinegar https://t.co/VabyOdiw2w
SirJames Roberts of #Saltaire & #MilnerField spent 3 months in Russia every year in the 1880s trading for wool & lost a fortune when #WW1 broke out. He gave £10k to the University of Leeds for a Chair in Russian Language & Literature. #EasterSunday #Fabergé
When #Bradford #wrestler Bernard Murray began his comedic career in 1947 there were 8 local amateur wrestling clubs. 5’4” & a plumber by trade, he was landlord of the Leventhorpe Inn #Thornton, rubble in the 1960s. #WrestlingHistory #CityOfCulture https://t.co/sgTxqtQKt5
Another windy day in #Saltaire. Hot on the heels of #StormCiara, today is #UmbrellaDay & in Japan it’s said that old gamps turn into fearsome ‘kaso obake’ ghosts. #Parapluies https://t.co/T3IlsR1Ia5
#PotatoDay in #Saltaire - a scene to inspire #VincentVanGogh whose art included the Potato Eaters, Woman Digging Up Potatoes & The Potato Peeler. Not so humble spud after all. #NationalPotatoLoversDay https://t.co/fYR1sydSNn
After staying with #QueenVictoria & visiting Liverpool Docks where #TitusSalt bought alpaca bales, Prince Rudolf toured Salts Mill #OTD 1878. He gave a shilling to a mill girl for “piecing up an end” & went into workers’ homes in #Saltaire. Exactly 11yrs before #Mayerling https://t.co/wyGCkU7aFU
Winston Churchill Minister of Munitions, was President of Salt School in 1917-18 but didn’t visit #Saltaire. In 1942 he went to #TitusSalt’s rival Samuel Lister’s Mill in #Bradford & 65yrs ago was met by 200,000 when he arrived in #Halifax during the election campaign. #Philately https://t.co/07fbhgJbUf