

I like swarms of things

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# jojosbizarreadventure jjba hirihikoaraki rudolvonstroheim stroheim jojo battletendency germanscience germanscienceisthebestintheworld anime manga crossfirehurricane stardustcrusaders muhammadavdol avdol magiciansred fire egypt egyptian masr arab arabic tarot stand egyptiangods horus ra ankh cairo khanelkhalili fortuneteller netjer pesedjet ancientegypt maat kemeticism khem kmt ramadanmubarak ramadan ramadan1442 ramazan ramadhan islam muslim religion shia sunni ismaili ibadi ahmadi sufi quran allah papi monstermusume papitheharpy monstergirls march21 happybirthdaypapi harpy harpies okayado bestbirb birbs chirping flywithme animecrushes cute bestgirl waifu everydaylifewithmonstergirls ironjawz ork waaagh warhammer 40k nobz bigmek bigunz weirdboy painboy mork gork snakebites squigs grots gretchin orc ranger rpg dnd dungeonsanddragons fantasy pathfinder lordoftherings tolkien heroesofmightandmagic archer beastmaster stronghold primal barbarian greenskin goblins ogres hunter worldofwarcraft totalwarwarhammerii warhammerfantasy skaven clanskryre rats gamesworkshop scrëm aaaaaaa chaos greathornedrat ikitclaw warpstone warlockengineer gaming computergames screamatownass saffieriksdotter mtg magicthegathering achhansrun quintonhoover unhunged hanseriksson green greenmana forests nature growth might goyf lhurgoyf tarmagoyf creature sinbadthesailor elsindibad sinbad 1001nights alflaylawalayla thousandandonenights arabiannights persian middleeast baghdad abbasid richardfrancisburton sevenvoyagesofsinbad corsairs indianocean rox fairytales folklore

"I have not uttered lies.
I have not uttered curses.
I have not been angry without just cause.
I have not acted (or judged) with undue haste.
I have not felt remorse."
— The 42 Negative Confessions to Ma’at

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Went to the dentist this morning for fillings. I really should have asked her to give me some so I can be a propa nob! How else am I gonna lead my

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