Camellia Tea Ceremonyさんのプロフィール画像

Camellia Tea Ceremonyさんのイラストまとめ

Welcoming guests to our two teahouses in Kyōto. Join us as we explore Japanese culture, tea & history!

@[email protected]

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In many countries Christmas decorations are taken down on the 12th day of Christmas (January 6th), also known as Epiphany. To keep them up any longer is nowadays considered bad luck.
But what about Japan? Well, that depends where you live.

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*In the not-too-distant past furisode (振袖) indicated that a young woman was single and of marriageable age.

Interestingly it was only in the 19thC that furisode became gendered, and only in the 20thC that they (in part due to Western influence) were restricted to girls/women.

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If you enjoy chess then Fukurokuju (福禄寿) is the god for you. Through his love of chess, he has become known as the patron of chess players.
Images often depict him accompanied by animals that symbolise long life in one form or another, such as turtles, deers and crows.

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O New Year's god
this year too
send help!
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶).

As the year draws to a close, images of seven cheerful figures (often riding a treasure laden boat) begin to appear all over Japan.

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November 3rd (& December 3rd) celebrate winter's greatest fruit...the mikan.
Established by the Confederation of Fruit Producers, the dates use some punnery.

3rd='mikka'=closish to 'mikan'.
November (11)= looks like 'いい' or 'good'.
Thus...'good mikan day'🙄

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The name for bat in Japan is 'kōmori' (蝙蝠)...possibly this derived from 'kawamori' (川守 'protecting rivers'), 'kawahari' (皮貼り 'skin stretched [between bones]'), 'kahofuri' (蚊屠り 'mosquito vanquisher') or 'ka-o-hori' (蚊を欲り 'craving mosquitoes')🦇🦇

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Shuten-dōji (酒呑童子) was named 'saké-drinking boy' after his love for the drink.
Disguised as a human during the day, at night the ogre king return to his natural form: 50 ft. tall, red of body, with a 5-horned head & 15 eyes. He had 1 white leg, 1 black, 1 yellow arm, 1 blue.

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This tale of an unruly march of possessed items down Ichijō-dori gave birth to the idea of 'Hyakki Yagyō' (百鬼夜行 'Night Parade of One Hundred Demons'), a popular subject in art from Muromachi times.
As an idiom it is used to mean something akin to pandemonium.

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Thanks to famous figures such as Taira-no-Tokuko (平徳子 1155-1214/Kenreimon-in), wife of Emperor Takakura (高倉天皇), it became fashionable for pregnant women to visit the shrine. Tokuko prayed here in 1178 for the safe delivery of her baby (the future Emperor Antoku 安徳天皇).

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In the hope of living a long life (& avoiding misfortune) people would drink saké mixed with chrysanthemum petals on the 9th of the 9th. The flowers have long been a symbol of immortality.

chrysanthemum month-
for every mountain village
days of saké

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