One thing I don't do enough:

Turning down saturation to look at object visibility, especially in noisy scenes. Here I tried to lower background values, and the foamlines are still way too bright, adding too much noise. ✈

0 3

drafted a ghost and some lore today! so far, there are four different classifications of ghosts, and all ghosts have two forms: a calmed form and an agitated form. I wonder what this ghost's all tangled up about?

29, 21,

1 5

[ Day 21 ]
Heyyyy back into animating that main character
I hate walk animations so much, but at least that's done for now!

7 90

Alice is coloured! Our main cast is almost complete 🍰💕☕ a big thanks to our character artist 😊 she is amazing

2 16

Work on the UI continues, we finally locked the character display \o/ and started working on the Death screen UI

Below a few more moving plants

15 38

Phew! Lost in the sauce for a few days there. I've still been working on the Ink dialogue system, planned a few NPCs, and I have some placeholder maps! Thanks !

25-28, 17-20,

0 9

Like many buildings, the Everntine Apothecary starts out very basic. Should you choose to run the apothecary, upgrade this shop to reveal its true potential!

4 9

Hey! I'm starting this twitter today for updates on my personal project! I hope you like the screenshots I've got for you today, and follow if you wanna see more!

3 17

The dialogue system is still in-progress, but it shows dialogue choice buttons now! Also: a rough draft of the first scene 👀

24, 16,

1 10

The Everntine farmhouse starts very modest, beginning with a bed, radio, calendar, phone, and chest. Upgrade this home to see it's full beauty!

5 7

I haven't been able to upload as much stuff as I'd have liked for since we've had to write a lot this month, but I've been trying to design a house that doesn't look like cabin, and I just learned about the rule of "front legs only" regarding rug placement 👀

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