gingko | a:4 s:3376 d:0.4478 w:224 ns:7.4718 np:8.2441 nb:10

0 1

gingko | a:8 s:3975 d:0.5867 w:228 ns:9.2660 np:6.3555 nb:5

0 3

gingko | a:8 s:4460 d:0.4994 w:223 ns:7.4126 np:7.0645 nb:2

0 1

Night mode renders with volumetric fog.
Procedurally generated 3D structures in Three.js using "game of life" algorithm, then exported to 3DS MAX

25 125

gingko | a:3 s:4339 d:0.2859 w:165 ns:2.8465 np:5.7962 nb:8

1 1