it's this time of the year again, where you start changing values in the editor and nothing happens and you start changing them like crazy and nothing happens and then take a look at the game view

2 9

In , you can easily fold or unfold all children of an object using alt + mouse click!

It's pretty useful if have a huge hierarchy.

For more:

28 114

People don't use the string formatting from C# enough. They should. I don't know about the performance (these are one time initialization debug logs) but it is at least easier to write than "string1" +"string2"

4 23

𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗦𝗮𝗳𝗲

App Showcase Demo of SaasLand

Live Preview Here -

Multi-Purpose Theme for Business, Agencies, Startup with 30+ Awesome Demos

24 28

Shortcut to toggle inspector lock mode in Unity. If you are tired of moving your mouse.

71 265




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I ported Recompile's hologram shader over to HDRP Shader Graph!
Also added a couple of new features & improvements...
Here's how it works (see graphs in thread)

81 469

So we sent out our first demo to our AWESOME supporters....

however they found every way to break our game.😂😭

3 30

Little sneak peek at how armor works in Below the Stone.⛏️

(Don't mind the missing beard on our Dwarf, he had a goblin shave it off.) 1 like = 1 beard😭

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For Tuesday, I wanted to share this article I published yesterday on how to create a live stream game, using Google's Data API.

This screenshot is of 8 individual players with custom characters, all interacting with the stream.

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I keep evolving my editor toolset, which I use to speed up menial tasks I perform frequently.

My latest addition is this shortcut to add/remove commonly used Scripting Define Symbols. Menu items are easily added using the [MenuItem] attribute.

1 10

Trying to teach myself Unity while working on my first game project with a friend.

I can feel my brain cells slowly thawing out from years of inactivity.

Thanks for all your sweet videos! Really helps keep me motivated!

0 7

Anyone struggling with the iPhone Touch Bar gestures (Like MV2 - right) the fix to get the right behaviour (Assemble With Care - left) is in Player Settings:
✅ 'Defer system gestures on edge' - Bottom Edge
❌ 'Hide home button on iPhone X'

16 83

My newest shader tutorial post is out and available for everyone! It's a gentle introduction on Geometry a topic that's just as fun as it is difficult to make cool gifs for! 🌐


Have fun with this one!

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💡Small Tip - Full hierarchy.

It is easy to open full hierarchy in Unity if you need...
...just click with Alt. 😉

14 43