Day 2: In some portions of the hallways I added a glass window so that the player can see what kind of trouble they're getting into. Also started on a new combat room that has a glass floor...Don't look down

8 26

BSP Blockout for DM map in UDK.

Location idea was absinthe distillery. Unfortunately never finished but the blockout remains.

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Ok, Blockout time again! (starting a new project in is just a big coincidence xDD)

so my next project is... my own character in

3 12

It's October and I'll be doing over on Instagram again!
Here are the two first days and the list of all the prompts

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Basic top down and elevation changes in 3ds max. did the rest! Turned out one of my favorite areas!

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Going way beyond my comfort zone with the map I'm working on for NaNoWADMo.
Big spaces and arenas with a sprinkling of odd shapes and tasteful levels of startan.

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This is what I started last night in Hammer for This will be my first real MP map. Would have gotten further but I was kind of distracted with a professional project issue. I should have this complete tonight.

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Started work on our next project a fast paced FPS reminiscent of old FPS games like DOOM and Duke Nukem. Can't wait to get more work done.

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I thought it would be fun to share some Blockouts I did for . Such a fun and unique project to work on! [1/4]

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Happy Prop-tober! Here is my first contribution to a month full of fun props and block-outs! I thought it would be fun to recreate the ball from such an amazing game.

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Happy everyone! Here's my for day one. And don't forget, if you like my art be sure to check out my game on We have 15 days left to go to hit our goal!


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it's ! Our level designer Simon shares with you the creative process of the "lava to stone" mecanic in Unruly Heroes
(Full devblog also here:


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For the first of lets appreciate how handy the similar lighting is in and
Both default materials and I did not even try to make them look the same.

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It's officially !!! Here's a small stealth/ combat encounter I threw together inspired by the Seattle level showed off in the recent The Last of Us Part II trailer.

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Kickin off Working on an overlord type area for Bears In Space You crash your rocket into a rock and work your way up the beach. It's the first time the player comes across the Saucer enemy so I'm gonna make sure the reveal is rockin.

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Sad to see that has come to an end. But I wanted to thank everyone that's been checking out my work the past month. So... Thank you!! I feel a lot more inspired after sharing my work with the community. And what an awesome community it is!

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