Field Notes on Science and Nature edited by Michael R. Canfield, The Palaeoartist's Handbook by Mark Witton, and All Yesterdays by John Conway, C.M. Kosemen & Darren Naish

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Some sloth palaeoart with this report on new studies on sloth phylogeny:

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New blog post: part 2 of my analysis of the Crystal Palace models. This time we're covering Teleosaurus, pterosaurs and Mosasaurus (dinosaurs are obviously missing, but they're up next). Features two new palaeoart pieces done for .

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New at The Fate of Burian’s Styracosaurus, a story of memes, of sorts...

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So as well as being a good model, the Battat T. rex is a neat thing to own as a memento to a cool part of palaeoart history. The late LoRusso's design for this toy and the Boston Museum of Science model was also used in an iconic painting by Brian Franczak.

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Throwback Thursday, to 2012 (again) • Today, the Theropod with silly name, Bicentenaria •

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Rough plan of a scavenging scene I've been thinking about for a while.

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Some more from last year, dromaeosaur families with a few extant extras for scale.

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The Palaeoartist’s Handbook – Marc’s review

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6) Ultimately a big part of is random chance, & sexual selection seems to help drive this randomness. is not less accurate if it reflects this truth. If people criticize my because they don't understand evolution, it means my is working ;}}

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Do you own one of the most significant volumes ever published on It's called All Yesterdays (and is by me, John Conway and C. M. Kosemen), and it's still available:

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This one's a little older than the date I'm posting it, but I needed to post it at some point, right?

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Have you considered training on skeletal diagrams of dinosaurs&relatives? The resulting "imaginary dinosaurs" would be a joy to reconstruct. The palaeoart community would have a field day...

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My dear friend started the tag yesterday in response to some dubious-information-spreading person. And so I made this fluffy to join in!

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Highlights from the Megalograptus (pierced), termites and alvarezsaurs (innards), Bracycrus (long) and Daspletosaurus (damaged).

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