
1 12

Brent Hill, South Brent
Lots going on on this little hill.

artefacts & enclosures
chapel & lynchets (NE)
~16thC beacon
~19thC 19thC & 20thC quarries.

10 28


0 2

Raw render and inverted render of Italy.

5 36

Mapping backpacking routes and learning about digital elevation models with

0 5


0 1

"Oh, I'll just map out all the bridges over the Seine in 1815 Paris," he said. "It'll be easy." Three weeks of intermittent research, QGIS fiddling and Illustrator tweaking later...

9 25

Have you read my blog? Step by step guides on using for https://t.co/TbCpq6zcRA

As recommended by some of Europe's finest dataviz tweeters:

More posts coming soon!

56 185