Thank you so much to be with us for fighting against evil & strike back our 🙏

0 0

Dear and , HK Government treat HK people unfairly....

126 145

16Feb2020 01:27
Serenity Place, Po Lam, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong 將軍澳寶林怡心園

A man was kidnapped onto a car, he shout loudly in cantonese “Help! Someone kidnapped me onto the car, Serenity Place block 3”

Anyone live there and know this man?

48 25

All want to protest peacefully if listens our demand. Instead, she indulges to suppress in different peaceful demonstrations. We must adopt more extreme strategy "negotiate" with this evil government.

26 60

This is !

Today is Chinese New Year's Day, Hong Kong police still cast tear gas!😡

and are murderers! They pay to the police high for bullying the citizens, but Ignore the life and death of medical staff

12 9

不要在fb 留言

在fb 留言
指明係fb 留言煽動罪


151 233

In Hong Kong, are paid to kill, whereas medics are forces to be killed as the puppet HK gov virtually and purposely takes no measures to limit the spread of outbreak.

120 121

first called off the lawful rally, n two minutes later they fired teargas. Not to mention the abitrary arrest on citizens wearing in black. What’s the meaning of “approving us to have a rally”? Easier for them to catch more?!

26 21


200 449

I don’t know what he did but when you have 10+ i don’t see why they need to do this. this could damage his back for life OR even death.

586 465

did everything w/o baseline, deploying teargas, applying PS spray & indiscriminate assaulting nearby civilians was daily activities for them, what a shame 😡

9 12

CCPChina and HKGov are doing the genocide in Hong Kong. The first group they targeted is the young, especially the educated! This is an effective way to destroy the civilisation and future of a place.#SOSHK

146 247