Bit late for but worked on a super fun wisp concept :D It took me a few tries to get something I like, grateful for all the feedback I received from the community.

18 131

Finally managed to finished my Patreon page. Have a look if you'd like to learn more about realtime VFX stuff and what is my approach to the VFX.

3 37

The last practices of 2020 to start this 2021. Studies inspired in games like Ori and Genshin Impact. Happy new year everyone!

47 373

Чуть забросила тред, хотя рисую всякие прикольные штуки на курсе по эффектам! Возвращаю активность к
Первым блоком заданий было нарисовать маленькие сферы, соответсвующие заданным элементам

1 12

doing some sketching for whilst I’m on the train to wales ✨🔥✨

1 23

...toss it on the pile with the rest of my galaxy/cosmic obsession hahaha.

someday I'll make these in UE4, but for now here's another procrastination concept for 🙃✨

45 308

As promised on last week's a quick breakdown of the volume texture fire/smoke effect! 1/ ->

48 225

Happy here is a witchy brew🧙‍♀️🧹✨

28 185

Some fire loop for the :D

31 295

Found out you can assign a skinned mesh to the shape of a particle system.

Behold my dancing particle man!


1 3

| Hitsparks demo

Here's a rough draft animation for the tutorial post tmrw!

32 181

For this I have a rather small effect, but the really cool thing is that I'll be recreating it in a workshop hosted by on Tuesday, including the custom shader it uses!

46 387

Composer artifacts, like Melody's Audio Blade, also roll with different timbre in .

16 81


Couldn't help myself and made these while going through the vfxapprentice intro section. Can really see this being useful in the future.

4 39

I feel very tutorial-y these days so why not go for a bedtime tip?
And of course, it's in the forum post as well:

32 122

now that Boomerang X is officially announced (follow for more!), I thought it'd be fun to do a breakdown of the teleport effects!

Our teleport is really a slingshot -- you throw your boomerang and then you can zoom yourself towards it.

9 39