
While said that they would protect the woman, a police publicly touched the woman’s breast. The woman felt uncomfortable & tried to pull away his right hand, he intentionally touched her with the left hand.

Protect ppl by sexual harassment?

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fired to protesters!!!! 🤬🤬🤬#HKPoliceTerrorism

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A video shows that the police officer shot a live bullet in the protester's chest at point-blank range!


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We don’t want to be “violent”
What we do is forced by the government and the way police treated protestors.
Please trust HK protestors. We have reasons for every action.

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March with us on 9.29!

This is a desperate cry for help from HKers:

More "suicide", unlawful arrests, suppression by the regime... We can't win this fight without international support.

Come join us.

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The hit the boy on his head! And you can see they put a black hat on him maybe want to cover the wound? This is murder!

A photo in comment shown that the boy was in a coma and many bloods on floor.

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