I made a Recreators fanart of aliceteria february!!

Currently studying atmospheric lighting and flame effects right now

Feel free to give C&C so i can make better pieces in the future!!

1 12

The film is talking abt girl power, but behind the scenes, this "mulan" actress is scandalous about supporting disrespectful of agree cops should beat, even kill innocent hongkongers, involves many women. Sorry I will

3 13

The lead actress Liu support police brutality.

11 13

Oppression of freedoms and human rights has been deteriorated rapidly by puppet leader Carrie Lam. Please impose sanction on Carrie Lam, officials & Hong Kong police.

6 17

hong kong police have been too lenient, you can't say police brutality, can you?

13 30

In Hong Kong, are paid to kill, whereas medics are forces to be killed as the puppet HK gov virtually and purposely takes no measures to limit the spread of outbreak.


120 121

We didn’t understand the intention of such a peaceful female didn’t show any threatening at that moment
It was just another arbitrarily arrest that targeting & threatening youngster 😡

51 85

did everything w/o baseline, deploying teargas, applying PS spray & indiscriminate assaulting nearby civilians was daily activities for them, what a shame 😡

9 12

Never forgive 😡
Such insane & absurd action should be stopped & sanctioned 😡

25 68

—1958 尖沙咀海港城

Members of the public ask plainclothes to produce their warrants and the hkpoliceterrorist respond with a crude slur


🎞教大編委 EdUHKSU Editorial Board

34 27

Commissioner said that the police is the best police force. Only people without conscience will agree!

Only triads will !😡

214 194

I will never forget and forgive what the have done to every hk university and also HKpeople
香港人🇭🇰 報仇🎗

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