Also forgot to post my last character 😱#3D

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Check out Justen Lazzaro's neat Ultimate Trim tools. The add-ons, which are free for non-commercial use, implement Insomniac Games' fast environment materials workflow in and

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So cool to have a Quad Remesher running as a dynamic modifier in using the engine and Game Development Toolset

3 14

Spent some time on Heroes of the Storm making tools in 3DSMax. Below is a procedural "bounce" script that I originally developed to simulate fat on Cho'Gal. Turned out to be useful in other areas :)

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Finally finished the retopping and unwrapping the models that had a lovely total of 140 sub tools in zbrush (was not fun) but now I am texturing the models which is one of my favourite parts

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Old renders from 2013 when I was trying to create a harmonious esthetic based on noise. Back then people didn't like noise so I stopped. Won't stop again. +

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ET VOILA! dernier devoir de 3D de l'année.
Modélisation 3D et texturing de Dodo de Doremi Magique (Ojamajo Doremi). C'est la petite fée de Doremi.

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Artist and Animator looking for paid cartoonist/storyboarding/illustration work. Willing to move to the Los Angeles area if need be, but able to remote! Experience with ToonBoom, Flash, Clip Studio Pro, and 3DsMax/Maya as well.

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Another older model from the same concept as the Soldier, Bunny Ranger with a little breakdown of my process. I stay as low res for as long as possible, using dynamesh and zremesher to keep the objects simple. Alternating between and

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Pues aquí un perrete super majo pero bastante letal 🐶
Hecho con 3dsmax y texturizado en zbrush
Se agradecen los rt🐲

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This was a comission project I modeled and textured when I was working at Spellbound AR.

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ディテール追加したり消したり。今日は疲れたからこれまで<(_ _)>

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いろいろ不安定で、カミー〇君みたいになってたのであまり進んでないけど、細部つくりつつ、またバランスで悩む あーでもない、こーでもないと色々試した結果がこれ・・・ まだオカシイかな?(;´Д`)またバランスは変わるだろうな・・・    

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