Dolmen Shelter: Mini hotel in inspired by natural stones designed by Davit & / LEMEAL Studio
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Tools used: Autodesk 3ds Max, Corona renderer, Adobe Photoshop, Quixel Megascans

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WIP: "Mystic" (Temporary title until textured) Concept, built on VSYsobelBody for Skull. Final build.

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Been learning some new tools and workflows the only way I know how! The sculpt is based on a sketch I drew years ago while working on Onikira. Sculpted in blender and made an attempt at texturing using quixel mixer.

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WIP images, the first is a screenshot of the rock I saw on Quixel that made me want to do the scene, the thing was so perfect and well shaped to just shove a small animal onto that I could not resist it.

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'A Lil' Snack' by Jake Missing. Inspired by the work of Tye is Dead. 💙

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'Meridian' by Luan Vetoreti. Made in Unreal Engine with the help of Megascans. Check out the cinematic on ArtStation. 👀

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'Outskirts' by Toivo Huhtaniska, based on the concept work of Feng Zhu. Made with the help of Megascans and Mixer. 👀

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簡単にだけど、塔と崖なども で作って足して背景としてまとめてみた。HoudiniはHeightFieldとアセットの自動配置、崖モデル生成や塔の作成で使いました。

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Modélisation de la fusée de Tintin par simple nostalgie, Cinema4D , Quixel Mixer et rendu avec Octane

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