Hari ke-14: ...penyanyi dangdut idola. Nggak suka dangdut, tapi mari menggambar (alm.) Meggy Z saja.

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Il 14 settembre 1321 Dante moriva esule a Ravenna, contrasse la malaria a causa della puntura di una zanzara mentre attraversava le paludose valli di Comacchio

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Workman's truck at 79th and Amsterdam, NYC.
One of my last sketch from our New York City vacation.
Watercolor and TWSBI fountain pen.

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Lunch at Gazala's, New York City.
Yummy food! So glad we stumbled into this place!
Watercolor and Fountain Pen.

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Another sketch from our visit to last weekend.... Fun to try to finish a sketch before the kitty moves!
Watercolor and Fountain Pen.
- https://t.co/mWItTCFGzi

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